1. Introduction

The board of directors (the “Board”) of Citland Group and its branches and affiliated (the “Corporation”) recognizes that a diverse and talented workforce is a competitive advantage and that the Corporation’s success is the result of the quality and skills of its people. To this end, the Board has unanimously adopted this statement of policy.

2. Policy Objectives

The Corporation’s overall strategy includes pursuing the following objectives:

  • Consider, recruit, manage and promote individuals who are highly qualified, based on their talents, experience, functional expertise and personal skills, character, and qualities, and in light of the Corporation’s current and future plans and objectives as well as anticipated regulatory and market developments and any other factors that the Board, its committees or employees of the Corporation, as applicable, deem appropriate;
  • Consider criteria that promote diversity, including with regard to race, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, national or ethnic origin or physical handicap;
  • Consider the level of representation of women on the Board and in senior management/executive officer positions along with other markers of diversity when making recommendations for nominees to the Board or for appointment as senior management/executive officers and in general with regard to succession planning for the Board and senior management/ executive officers;
  • Create a workplace characterized by inclusive practices and behaviours for the benefit of all staff and stakeholders, which is free from discriminatory behaviours and business practices;
  • Identify relevant factors to be taken into account in the employee selection process and develop practices to limit potential unconscious bias;
  • Attract and retain a diverse range of talented individuals to further the Corporation’s corporate goals;
  • Provide appropriate flexible work practices and policies to support employees;
  • Establish procedures for monitoring, encouraging and assessing diversity within the Corporation;
  • Take action to discourage discrimination, bullying and harassment of any description.

3. Implementation

The Board is accountable for ensuring this policy is effectively implemented and has delegated  oversight to senior management. The Board and senior management will ensure that grievances  raised concerning unfair discrimination and harassment are addressed appropriately, fairly and in a  timely manner. The management of the Corporation will report to the Board regarding the efficacy of  steps taken to achieve compliance with the objectives set out in this Policy and, should they occur,  any material instances or trends of violations of this Policy.

4. Reporting Violations

The Corporation has established a whistleblowing hotline to allow for the confidential reporting of discrimination or harassment. Persons wishing to make complaints or report concerns on a confidential basis are encouraged to use the following email hikoki83@Gmail.com

5. Review and Amendment of Policy

The Board of the Corporation will review and evaluate this Policy on an annual basis to determine its  efficacy.

Last Updated: Nov 2021

Approved by:  Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee